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Thread: Game of Thrones Television Series Thread (No Spoilers!)

  1. #631
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    Default Re: Game of Thrones Television Series Thread (No Spoilers!)

    Quote Originally Posted by J0e Th0rnton View Post
    I am more annoyed with people ******** on the speed that Ravens can fly messages and how fast Dany got there to help.

    It's a ****ing show featuring dragons, undead, ice monsters and visions by looking into fire.

    Those people are just as bad as x-men fans complaining "they could not build robots like that in the 80's". It's a ****ing movie featuring telepathy, magnetic manipulation, magic mutant energy beams, instant healing, and furry blue protagonists and THAT is where you draw the suspend disbelief line?

    Why the hell did people not care that King Robert made the trip to Winterfell in 5 minutes in season 1, saying it took a month?

    Obviously time passed on that ice floe. At least a day, maybe more. I think people are complaining they did not get to see an entire episode of dialogue + Clips of Dany flying towards them..... or something.

    I see arguments popping up over the dumbest things now. "But but she could not have traveled that fast, it does not make sense!"...."Wouldn't she have frozen to death flying? Its much colder even on a motorcycle let alone a dragon in a blizzard north!"......People are arguing back by giving statistics showing carrier birds can carry 700 miles in a day and saying dragonstone is half that distance and then trying to do the math on how fast dragons can fly........PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY ARGUING REAL WORLD PHYSICS IN A FICTIONAL SETTING.

    Just shut up and watch without nitpicking goddamn it.

    These are the same millennial group that started griping over how John Connor could not be Kyle Reese' son in Terminator because it does not make sense. Meanwhile us Gen X folks and older could not have given a crap. It might have occupied our thoughts for a few seconds before we discounted it and called it a fun movie. The new generation of kids just can't seem to let go of everything.

    If I wanted to nitpick, I could go into detail about how 15 minutes before he was running his hands through Marion's hair kissing her passionately in Robin Hood, Kevin Costner was barehanding horsecrap and rubbing it all over his cloak. Wouldn't she stop and say "WTF you stink?". But no, who gives a crap lol
    Sorry, but it does seem really strange to go on and on and on, complaining about people complaining...

    I also don't buy the "It's a show about dragons and magic, so you have to believe!" defense. Yes, it is a show about dragons and magic, but for me, it still has to operate within the rules that it has set itself to. I remember in The Walking Dead, there was a scene (One of many identical to this) in where Darryl LITERALLY fired like 50 or 60 shots from his 9mm without having to reload. So let me get this right; I am allowed to have this bother me in a "Jason Bourne" world, which is based on reality, but I am not allowed to let it bother me in a world which is filled with Zombies because they are not real and I have to suspend my disbelief when it comes to this world and what happens in it? Sorry, that is absurd.

    For me, Game of Thrones has for some time now, been the best show on Television. Part of it is the writing; part of it is the acting, part of it is the huge set pieces; part of it is that I really love the genre. However, it has ALWAYS been written smartly. That is important to me and I need for it to continue. I will complain when it doesn't happen. Sorry, but Gendry running from the combat site to East Gate, then a raven flying a hundred miles from East Gate to Dragonstone, and then Dany Flying from Dragonstone to the combat site, all within what seemed to be a few hours, is not smart writing.

    The reason I stopped watching The Walking Dead, was because I was tired of the stupid decisions that people were making on a regular basis. I was tired of the consistently bad writing. More importantly, I was tired of the writers continually underestimating their audience. They would constantly spoon feed us stuff that we didn't need to have explained, or worse, think we were stupid enough to buy into their ridiculous writing. Did they think that anybody bought the way Glen survived under the garbage can? Did they expect us to buy that Beth would be stupid enough to pull what she did just before her death? Sorry, I just couldn't do it anymore. I wanted to like it, but it was horrible. At best, it was an amazing premise executed with amazing mediocrity. At worst, it was just a brutally bad show.

    As far as Game of Thrones, sorry, but I need more. They have set the bar high and they have build up a ton of credibility, so I am willing to let things slide. However, I will not sit idly by and let them try to slip silly concepts or bad mechanics by me. I will complain about it. It is what I do. If you don't want to complain about it, fantastic. But don't tell me not to...


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    Default Re: Game of Thrones Television Series Thread (No Spoilers!)

    Quote Originally Posted by rataylor22 View Post
    1) He probably ends up being a big part of the final resolution, so while right now it seems like a side story, it very likely is not.
    Perhaps... Theon Kills Euron, saves Yara, brings the entire Iron Fleet (with or without Golden Company) into the Great War to tilt the battle much like Sansa at battle of the bastards

  3. #633
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    Default Re: Game of Thrones Television Series Thread (No Spoilers!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Rylant View Post
    Sorry, but it does seem really strange to go on and on and on, complaining about people complaining...

    I also don't buy the "It's a show about dragons and magic, so you have to believe!" defense. Yes, it is a show about dragons and magic, but for me, it still has to operate within the rules that it has set itself to. I remember in The Walking Dead, there was a scene (One of many identical to this) in where Darryl LITERALLY fired like 50 or 60 shots from his 9mm without having to reload. So let me get this right; I am allowed to have this bother me in a "Jason Bourne" world, which is based on reality, but I am not allowed to let it bother me in a world which is filled with Zombies because they are not real and I have to suspend my disbelief when it comes to this world and what happens in it? Sorry, that is absurd.

    For me, Game of Thrones has for some time now, been the best show on Television. Part of it is the writing; part of it is the acting, part of it is the huge set pieces; part of it is that I really love the genre. However, it has ALWAYS been written smartly. That is important to me and I need for it to continue. I will complain when it doesn't happen. Sorry, but Gendry running from the combat site to East Gate, then a raven flying a hundred miles from East Gate to Dragonstone, and then Dany Flying from Dragonstone to the combat site, all within what seemed to be a few hours, is not smart writing.

    The reason I stopped watching The Walking Dead, was because I was tired of the stupid decisions that people were making on a regular basis. I was tired of the consistently bad writing. More importantly, I was tired of the writers continually underestimating their audience. They would constantly spoon feed us stuff that we didn't need to have explained, or worse, think we were stupid enough to buy into their ridiculous writing. Did they think that anybody bought the way Glen survived under the garbage can? Did they expect us to buy that Beth would be stupid enough to pull what she did just before her death? Sorry, I just couldn't do it anymore. I wanted to like it, but it was horrible. At best, it was an amazing premise executed with amazing mediocrity. At worst, it was just a brutally bad show.

    As far as Game of Thrones, sorry, but I need more. They have set the bar high and they have build up a ton of credibility, so I am willing to let things slide. However, I will not sit idly by and let them try to slip silly concepts or bad mechanics by me. I will complain about it. It is what I do. If you don't want to complain about it, fantastic. But don't tell me not to...

    You could always stop watching, like the walking dead? They have like 6 episodes and a finite story to wrap up. No amount of complaining or backlash is going to stop them from continuing "silly concepts and bad mechanics".

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    Default Re: Game of Thrones Television Series Thread (No Spoilers!)

    Quote Originally Posted by rataylor22 View Post
    You could always stop watching, like the walking dead? They have like 6 episodes and a finite story to wrap up. No amount of complaining or backlash is going to stop them from continuing "silly concepts and bad mechanics".
    Of course he could stop watching if it bothers him too much. You could also stop reading his complaints if it bothers you too much.

  5. #635
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    Very combative.

    I don't recall the post where I said they bothered me lol.

    I was merely offering a solution.

  6. #636
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    Default Re: Game of Thrones Television Series Thread (No Spoilers!)

    Can we end this nonsense and get back to talking about the show? I'll kick it off with some talking points.

    -Did Tormund die when the wall went down? I think not and hope not

    -Is Bran the Night King? It's a popular theory and seems quite plausible, but I don't think I understand the logistics

    -Does anyone else think it's weird that Jon's name is Aegon Targaryen when Rhaegar had another baby named Aegon who died what, months prior? Seems odd. That's like naming your new dog after the one that just died.

    -Loved seeing Littlefinger finally get his! I wish we got to see him beg even more

    -Where is Varys, and what is he up to?

    -I agree Theon will play a role, he's the perfect "redemption" story and I think he's going to do something with big ramifications-- maybe by ultimately sacrificing himself

    -Gendry better come back, I miss him already, and I hope Tormund returned his hammer

    -Was that dragon breathing blue fire? You'd think if it was ice, his ice-breath would just make the wall even more impenetrable, unless the concussive force of the blast is what brought the wall down

    -Predicting some baby twists: Cersei isn't pregnant, but after last episode, Danaerys is.

    Ok, that should be enough fuel to turn this into a good fire again.

  7. #637
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    Daenerys is almost certainly pregnant considering they spent the last 3 episodes constantly reminding us that she can't have babies lol

  8. #638
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    Default Re: Game of Thrones Television Series Thread (No Spoilers!)

    Quote Originally Posted by rtstr View Post
    Can we end this nonsense and get back to talking about the show? I'll kick it off with some talking points.

    -Did Tormund die when the wall went down? I think not and hope not

    -Is Bran the Night King? It's a popular theory and seems quite plausible, but I don't think I understand the logistics

    -Does anyone else think it's weird that Jon's name is Aegon Targaryen when Rhaegar had another baby named Aegon who died what, months prior? Seems odd. That's like naming your new dog after the one that just died.

    -Loved seeing Littlefinger finally get his! I wish we got to see him beg even more

    -Where is Varys, and what is he up to?

    -I agree Theon will play a role, he's the perfect "redemption" story and I think he's going to do something with big ramifications-- maybe by ultimately sacrificing himself

    -Gendry better come back, I miss him already, and I hope Tormund returned his hammer

    -Was that dragon breathing blue fire? You'd think if it was ice, his ice-breath would just make the wall even more impenetrable, unless the concussive force of the blast is what brought the wall down

    -Predicting some baby twists: Cersei isn't pregnant, but after last episode, Danaerys is.

    Ok, that should be enough fuel to turn this into a good fire again.
    Ill try to answer your points in order.

    It seemed to show Tormund and Beric reach the edge on the part the wall did not come down. I'd like to think that after being resurrected 6 times, they have plans for Beric. Despite them ignoring the book storyline of undead Catelyn.

    Bran being the night king seems weird an idea. Its possible I guess.

    Aegon Targaryen/Jon was named when the other Aegon was still alive. Unless Dany's vision in the temple of the undying was wrong. She had a vision of someone who looked like Viserys, but older(Could only have been Rhaegar) with a woman she did not know saying "He will be a king, he should have a king's name. Aegon. This is the prince that was promised. His is the song of ice and fire"

    But then again, in the books, the actual other son Aegon is alive and part of the story of another invasion. The show has far bypassed the books by this point so I assume he will never be introduced. Same as undead Cat was bypassed(Thoros resurrected Cat days after she died in the books and died himself then)

    A lot of book readers predicted Sansa would become Littlefingers achilles heel. Its satisfying to see it pan out that way. Much like the long accepted Theory that Jon = Aegon

    Varys is still a wild card. We have book expectations for him that will not be realized in the show since they ignored certain story points.

    Theon is a twerp. But it would be nice to see some redemption before the end

    I like Gendry yeah

    Since its a resurrected undead dragon, I expect some superpowers. Its the first time a creature like a dragon has been raised, so its unknown.

    For Baby twists, I would like to see Cersei either: Have a dwarf, or get killed by Jaime(and then Tyrion can raise their baby). The prophecy specified her younger brother would kill her. Jaime as they mentioned, came out of the womb second, holding Cersei's ankle. She always hated Tyrion and believed it would be him, but I lean to Jaime killing her.

    At the same time, I wonder where Tyrion's head is at. His ominous creeping as Jon was smashing Dany in her quarters makes me wonder exactly what him and Cersei talked about after he said "you are pregnant!" and she came out pretending to agree. The worst things with Cersei's planning always happen offscreen.

    At the same time, Tyrion teaming with Cersei defies comprehension at this point.
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  9. #639
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    Default Re: Game of Thrones Television Series Thread (No Spoilers!)

    Wow, Cersei having a dwarf would be just fantastic. I really hope that happens. I also think Jaime will kill Cersei.

    Thanks for resurfacing the temple of undying vision-- that makes a lot more sense. The Bran = Night King theory is outlandish but definitely has some likelihood along with a handful of supporting points in the books. In fact, there are so many clues and nuances in the books that have gotten lost in the show. I hope some of the lore comes back stronger in the final season because I don't like how "fan theories" are becoming so prevalent. A lot of those theories are alluded to/confirmed/denied in the books but the show has created this gray area that negates all of that so now it's hard to keep track of things that I found to be so enthralling when reading the books.

  10. #640
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    Default Re: Game of Thrones Television Series Thread (No Spoilers!)

    Quote Originally Posted by rtstr View Post
    Wow, Cersei having a dwarf would be just fantastic. I really hope that happens. I also think Jaime will kill Cersei.

    Thanks for resurfacing the temple of undying vision-- that makes a lot more sense. The Bran = Night King theory is outlandish but definitely has some likelihood along with a handful of supporting points in the books. In fact, there are so many clues and nuances in the books that have gotten lost in the show. I hope some of the lore comes back stronger in the final season because I don't like how "fan theories" are becoming so prevalent. A lot of those theories are alluded to/confirmed/denied in the books but the show has created this gray area that negates all of that so now it's hard to keep track of things that I found to be so enthralling when reading the books.
    On a not so grey area, we had discussions about Cersei thinking she had the Iron bank behind her and that is how she will get the golden company to join her.

    I understand the merit in hiring the golden company. They are the one mercenary band that NEVER breaks their contract. Their word is as good as gold.

    From a book perspective, it is flawed since the company consists of Targaryen loyalist leadership and is comprised of knights who fled the seven kingdoms because they wanted to serve the targs in exile rather than Robert.

    From a show perspective........She just paid the Iron bank bank in full. The guy even complimented her on doing what her father never did and paying them back in full. CERSEI YOU IDIOT. Your father was a genius. As long as you were in debt to them, they had a vested interest in your victory. STUPID STUPID LOL
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    Default Re: Game of Thrones Television Series Thread (No Spoilers!)

    Quote Originally Posted by rtstr View Post

    -Does anyone else think it's weird that Jon's name is Aegon Targaryen when Rhaegar had another baby named Aegon who died what, months prior? Seems odd. That's like naming your new dog after the one that just died.
    According to the timeline in the book, Rhaegar's son Aegon IV with the Dorne lady was dead a few weeks before Lyanna Stark gave birth to Jon Snow. There is little to no chance that GRRM uses Aegon V as Jon Snow's name in the books. I don't believe Aegon IV was ever mentioned in the shows so it made sense to use that name for simplicity.

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    I haven't read much of the books and maybe I've missed something but with Bran saying no one else knows of Jon's lineage are we to assume Howland Reed is dead on the show?

    I thought it was odd that he was never shown at Winterfell with the other Lords & Jon but I thought they would re-introduce him to the show when Meera arrived, he's not been mentioned since his flashback scenes as far as I remember. Seems like he should have been more important since he was the only other person with Ned when Jon was born.

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    Default Re: Game of Thrones Television Series Thread (No Spoilers!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis View Post
    I haven't read much of the books and maybe I've missed something but with Bran saying no one else knows of Jon's lineage are we to assume Howland Reed is dead on the show?

    I thought it was odd that he was never shown at Winterfell with the other Lords & Jon but I thought they would re-introduce him to the show when Meera arrived, he's not been mentioned since his flashback scenes as far as I remember. Seems like he should have been more important since he was the only other person with Ned when Jon was born.
    I think we either get Howland Reed for season 8, or we end up hearing it from Meera in a "Oh yeah btw my dad once told me that Lyanna and Rhaegar had a son" moment.

    I'd be a bit disappointed if they all accept Bran's word without any other proof.
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    Default Re: Game of Thrones Television Series Thread (No Spoilers!)

    I could write an essay on how lazy the writing has become on this show. They essentially get an idea for a cool scene, then write backwards to find a route to that scene.
    Like that whole Littlefinger/Stark sisters plot,
    Benioff: "wouldnt it be cool if Arya killed Littlefinger at Sansa's command?"
    Weiss: "YeA ToTAllY LETs Do IT"
    Benioff "what if she used littlefinger's dagger from season 1?"
    Weiss: "OMG we r gonna win another emmy!"
    Then you get a ridiculous season long plot that makes no sense, was painful to watch, and ends with the Stark sisters forever dishonoring there family by murdering a Lord without trial in their castle, based on the word of some omniscient genie who hasn't explained anything to anyone about how he can see everything.
    Of course the audience knows Littlefinger is guilty and Bran is telling the truth, but do the Lords of the North and the Vale? Do they watch HBO?

    I have no problem admitting i'm a book snob when it comes to this series, and that bias is effecting how I view it, but I know im not imagining things...but alas,
    this thread is for positive comments only!
    And I just broke that rule, sorry gents I had to get some of it off my chest, I could go on and on...I wont
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    Default Re: Game of Thrones Television Series Thread (No Spoilers!)

    Quote Originally Posted by donions View Post
    I could write an essay on how lazy the writing has become on this show. They essentially get an idea for a cool scene, then write backwards to find a route to that scene.
    Like that whole Littlefinger/Stark sisters plot,
    Benioff: "wouldnt it be cool if Arya killed Littlefinger at Sansa's command?"
    Weiss: "YeA ToTAllY LETs Do IT"
    Benioff "what if she used littlefinger's dagger from season 1?"
    Weiss: "OMG we r gonna win another emmy!"
    Then you get a ridiculous season long plot that makes no sense, was painful to watch, and ends with the Stark sisters forever dishonoring there family by murdering a Lord without trial in their castle, based on the word of some omniscient genie who hasn't explained anything to anyone about how he can see everything.
    Of course the audience knows Littlefinger is guilty and Bran is telling the truth, but do the Lords of the North and the Vale? Do they watch HBO?

    I have no problem admitting i'm a book snob when it comes to this series, and that bias is effecting how I view it, but I know im not imagining things...but alas,
    this thread is for positive comments only!
    And I just broke that rule, sorry gents I had to get some of it off my chest, I could go on and on...I wont
    Beautifully said, and I would love to read your essay.

    But yes, for some reason criticism isn't welcome in this thread.

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