Scott Sizemore has injured his knee. Nothing concrete about the severity announced yet. If he is out long term, expect Beane to make a deal, or perhaps Cardenas will get a shot.

Matt Harvey is eager to pitch for the Mets. First round choice in 2010, Harvey is a longshot to pitch in the majors 2012, but it’s possible. He pitched well after his promotion to AA, his is a great talent, and the Met’s rotation is short, and not especially durable. Include him in a long list of precocious, high-rated starters on the brink of making a 2012 debut.

Joel Zumaya. Strike Joel off your late round sleeper list. Scheduled for more arm surgery, TJ this time.

Kris Medlen says he will pitch where ever the team needs him most. Are you listening, Mike Minor? Given Kris’s high talent for keeping runners off base, he may be the most qualified of the group competing for a rotation spot.

Jake Peavy’s shoulder is as good as it is going to get. I’m assuming this means Jake will never get back the two mph he’s lost off his fastball. His numbers are still good. You just get a lot fewer of them now.

Chris Perez. First fantasy-relevant spring casualty, he’s Injured his left oblique and is scheduled to miss 4-6. Already named to close while Chris is out...

Vinnie Pestano. Vinnie k'd over 12/9 and brought home a siera south of 2.50 in 2012. Vinnie is a side-armer and, predictably, has some difficulty with lefties. In the short term, he should do very well. It will be very interesting to see how firm a hold on the closer job Chris has when healthy.

Jennry Mejia . Jennry is pitching again after TJ surgery. Former top prospect will be well below radar. Keep him on your sleeper list, because, like Matt Harvey, the Met’s rotation is short.

Adam Wainwright. Felt it. Hopefully nothing, but we will all be holding our breath until his next scheduled session, Tuesday.

Cliff Lee threw without incident. Carry on.

Angels find no takers in their attempt to deal Bobby Abreu. Which means they are trying to move him, which means they have decided that Trumbo/Morales are on the in, and perhaps Trout as well. This story will unfold and be newsworthy all spring.

Tyler Greene the pre-spring favourite to start at 2b for the Cardinals. His k-rate is >25%, so don’t be shocked if Allen Craig replaces whomever plays 2b in April, when he returns in May.