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Thread: Another #@%$ing election!!! Really Canada?!?

  1. #136
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    My coach used to say that you are either part of the solution or part of the problem.
    If you do not vote, you are never part of the solution.

    There are always reasons and excuses not to vote, but none of them are as valid as the reasons to vote. Participation is a fundamental piece of democracy and freedom. Vote, volunteer, contribute, whatever makes your world a better place.

    Thanks for the civilized banter, I really enjoy a little friendly political debate. This was great and I must admit I was not optimistic at first, so thanks again.

  2. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by kbooks View Post
    Many years ago my uncle was a candidate for School Trustee and lost the election by 1 vote. When he explained to my mother about how close the eldtion had been and how disappointed he was to have lost by 1 vote. My mother then made the mistake of confessing that she had not voted because she didn't think one vote would make any difference. It was a long time before my uncle got over the fact that his sister had not voted and he lost by one vote.

    This idea that one vote does not matter is absolute nonsense. Everyone only has one vote and together we speak. When you don't vote you don't speak and thus don't count. My younger sister used to get infuriated with me when I told her she didn't count when I used to give her a hard time.

    One vote might not determine or change the outcome of a local election but it is more about the individual making a statement about how our country should be run. No matter how you rationalize it if you don't vote you don't care. I feel sad that people that don't vote have such a low opinion of themselves and their views that they prefer to remain silent rather then express themselves. It is a very sad comentray on individual that don't vote in my opinion they seem to consider their opinions of such little value that they are not worth expressing.

    That is sad.
    I do care and I didn't vote - no matter how you think you might know me. And I am not silent, I just choose not to participate in a complete waste of time. I have better things to do with my time then wait in a lineup engaging in a meaningless activity.

    Now, there are some for who the very pprocess of voting feels empowering to them. Awesome, for them I say go vote and feel good.

    I find a good hike to be much more empowering personally but to each their own.

    1 vote, though it may make a difference (at least in who gets voted, though it might not make any real difference anyways) in a local election, or in your case, will never make a difference nationally or even provincially. That's a fact, that's statistics, that's why I chose to spend my time bringing about real change in real ways, not through actions that appear good, but in actuality do nothing at all.

    I'm sorry you feel that I don't count, I really am. Because I would think in Western society we wouldn't classify people in that way because they chose differently. But regardless of how you might want to label me I decide if I count, and thus I do.

  3. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chuk View Post
    My coach used to say that you are either part of the solution or part of the problem.
    If you do not vote, you are never part of the solution.

    There are always reasons and excuses not to vote, but none of them are as valid as the reasons to vote. Participation is a fundamental piece of democracy and freedom. Vote, volunteer, contribute, whatever makes your world a better place.

    Thanks for the civilized banter, I really enjoy a little friendly political debate. This was great and I must admit I was not optimistic at first, so thanks again.
    I disagree. My solution was the improve this worlds alongside my children by picking up garbage around the community. I put forth that those 2 little kids did more to change this world then 15 million other Canadians and several million dollars in election spending did by checking boxes.

    I heavily volunteer in my community and do whatever I can to make this world a better place, and I don't see voting as being a part of that.

  4. #139
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    Voting is just one way to participate. It sounds like not voting is somehow a personal protest of some sort. You obviously put zero value in voting, which I do not understand, but I am just thankful that not everyone shares your view.
    It does seem odd that people around the world are literally going to war over the right to something you discard so easily. Maybe it is just tough to appreciate because you have always had the right.

    You seem like a good guy Doulos and I doubt I will ever get it. Choosing not to vote is a freedom like any other but calling voting a "waste of time" maybe going too far.

  5. #140
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    I do think that there is value in it for people who see it as making them feel empowered - that's just not me.

  6. #141
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    I often vote Green cause the rest are dicks.... This time she got in! Holy crap! My MP is from the green party!
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  7. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by doulos View Post
    I do care and I didn't vote - no matter how you think you might know me. And I am not silent, I just choose not to participate in a complete waste of time. I have better things to do with my time then wait in a lineup engaging in a meaningless activity.

    Now, there are some for who the very pprocess of voting feels empowering to them. Awesome, for them I say go vote and feel good.

    I find a good hike to be much more empowering personally but to each their own.

    1 vote, though it may make a difference (at least in who gets voted, though it might not make any real difference anyways) in a local election, or in your case, will never make a difference nationally or even provincially. That's a fact, that's statistics, that's why I chose to spend my time bringing about real change in real ways, not through actions that appear good, but in actuality do nothing at all.

    I'm sorry you feel that I don't count, I really am. Because I would think in Western society we wouldn't classify people in that way because they chose differently. But regardless of how you might want to label me I decide if I count, and thus I do. dont count

    move along

    no soup for you

  8. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by A Watch View Post
    I often vote Green cause the rest are dicks.... This time she got in! Holy crap! My MP is from the green party!
    Good for Elizabeth May. I hope she enjoys her time in parliament and I wish her the best of luck. She has a lot to offer and will at least get a seat at the table next time around. Nothing wrong having "mother nature" keep an eye on the boys.

    My guess is that she represents her party and the people of Saanich-Gulf Islands proudly.

  9. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by tequilamonster View Post dont count

    move along

    no soup for you
    I freaking love soup.

  10. #145
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    I respect the right for anyone to not vote, just as I respect everyone's rights to vote for who they feel would be best for their riding or country, whether I agree with them or not.

    I'm just saddened when people decide to not vote because they feel it doesn't make a difference. The sheer number of people who think this way could change the course of an election. 39% of this country did not vote, for whatever reason. If even half of those did it because they felt they didn't count - that's 4.6 million voters. That's more than the number of people who voted NDP (the 2nd leading party), and just 1M less than the received by the Conservatives. That's major.

    I'm sad that 9.3 million Canadians didn't vote. No matter the results - maybe it wouldn't change anything, but they would still have their voices heard. Voting is acknowledgement of the democratic process, and if you think that process needs to change, you could have voted NDP or Green who both ran on a platform of electoral reform.

    To say that voting doesn't make a difference is incredible to me. Look at the Liberals, they have never in history had such a low number of seats. Look at the Bloc - almost entirely swept away by an Orange vote, which very clearly stated the position of Quebec.

    This shows it is time for change. Time for Liberal leadership to re-examine their positions, and better unite with the people of this country. The NDP have the opportunity now to show what they can do with the keys to the opposition, and the Conservatives have a mandate from the Canadian people to do what they feel is best for the country.

    Even though the result wasn't what I hoped for, I'm happy to have had the opportunity for my voice to be heard, no matter how quietly. I'm also happy that my vote, under the current system, provides direct funding to the party that I support, which they can use to further develop policies and platforms for a stronger country. I am even happier that I was able to be a small part of the support for my local MP who I like as a person, as well as a politician.

    I accept that it is your right to not vote, and I will never force anyone otherwise. I am just sad that people are so jaded to think that it is a waste of their time - and I think that speaks volumes about the state of our political system.
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  11. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katharsis View Post
    Just one thing about not voting, actually in response to doulos in particular: if you don't agree with how the system is run, scratch your ballot. Write a big frowny face on it or pull a superbad and draw a big veiny one.
    Scratching your ballot is a bigger waste of time than not voting.

    The scratched numbers aren't released publicly, and I've heard from poll workers in some ridings, they may not even be counted. To whom are you directing your protest? The people counting don't care, nor do the returning officers.

    Party leaders don't care about people who scratch their ballot, they've lost your support anyway. They'd rather direct their attention to non-voters who might be able to swing their support in their party's direction.
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  12. #147
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    My understanding is a "scratched" or "spoiled" ballot is a waste and are not kept track of. However, you may "reject" your ballot by telling them you do not feel any of the candidates are worthy of your vote.

    Rejected ballots are kept track of and should they receive more rejected ballots than votes for any of the candidates, a by-election will have to be held in which none of the original candidates are allowed to run.

    It's a shame Canadian's don't know about this. It's basically equivalent to checking "None of the Above". I believe if the public was aware of this option that we would be able to send a far better message to our political leaders.

    If I ever have the time and money to put into it, I would organize a National Reject Your Ballot Campaign to help Canadian's become more informed of this option.

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