Quote Originally Posted by MT319 View Post
you're deep enough in net to where I think it's more beenficial to stay the course with your forwards than get miller as good as he is...Howard Bryzgalov Neuvirth will get you by very well...if you're goalies become an issue down the road then maybe it's something worth pursuing at that time..not so much though now...i'd try maybe Miller Horotn for Kovalchuk Bryzgalov...take it or leave it offer as that would be solid return for him and within the realm of reality that it be accepted
I like this. You are deep enough in goal with two proven starters and a 50/50 time share. I was trying to make a play for Miller earlier this year and I'm glad the deals fell through as I would have torn apart my team to get him. You may not finish top in the goaltending stats but you certainly won't finish last.