I'm worried injuries have caught up with Tarasenko. I feel like he's turning into Taylor Hall - was a top player(ish) for a while but now it's all name value. Hall has been pretty bad for a few years but his as a former Hart winner he'll get opportunities, just like he's gonna get this year with Bedard (even though when he was younger it didn't work with Eichel). Tank is similar - was a top goal scorer in the league but has been in a slow decline for the past couple of seasons but he'll get opportunities because of his name value.
The players who wait in the UFA season for contracts always lose. Happens every year. Sign ASAP cause the teams aren't gonna wait and will fill up their spots quickly. And these one year deals for 30+ year old players don't usually work out for the player as they're usually on the decline (as was mentioned above, Klingberg). Tank made a huge mistake not taking a bit less money than he wanted earlier in the offseason but getting a lot more term.