Hey all! We only need 1 more to get this league off the ground. We're looking for competitive, active owners to join our 10-Team League (2 Girls, 1 Cup) on ESPN. The league will cost $50 and payments are made through LeagueSafe. We have 8 teams that are all paid up.

Scoring Breakdown:

Goals - 4
Assists - 1.94
Points - 1
Plus/Minus - 0.66
Short Hand Points - 0.59
SOG - 0.45
Blocks - 0.24
Penalty Minutes - (-0.32)

Game Started - 8.66
Goals Against - (-5)
Saves - 0.45

First paid on LeagueSafe gets the spot.

Here is the link for the league:


Here is the link for LeagueSafe:
