Has anyone done the race Tough Mudder on here? Just curious because I’m doing it for a 3rd time in August and they have this refer-a-friend deal that’s going on where if I refer you, we both get a second beer for “free”. It’s actually a really fun thing to do, and I always feel high on adrenaline afterwards. Last year I actually got my sister the ticket for Christmas and she fell in love with it and she’s getting me a ticket this year.

Gotta say tho, I haven’t had the best of luck with it tho. 1st time I did it was in May 2012, it snowed. SNOWED. Made for a terrible 2 weeks after battling a cold, but it was cool to say I ran it in the snow. 2nd race was August 2013, it was like 10degrees out, and the weather was terrible. Poured and windy. With the rain, and other circumstances, the computer check in failed, so it took 2 hours to just get into the park. I was with my sister, her bf, and a girl I was trying to impress so I pushed myself and pulled a tendon during the race. But because I was so cold, and so high on adrenaline, I didn’t think it was that bad. Then on the final obstacle (electroshock) turned the wrong way and snap, tore the tendon. I had my beer, drove home, and went to the clinic the next day and found out the news.

3rd times the charm tho?

Long story short, anyone who wants to do this fun race (I’ve made it sound so cool eh), write on here and I can refer you and we’ll get more beer!

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PS, I do believe it has to be at the Toronto race tho to get this refer-a-friend deal.