I almost forgot my game 2 recap!

Due to work issues, my Europe trip was taken back 2 weeks, so instead of 1 month gone, I’m only gone 2 weeks. So I got to play game 2 of the new season.

It was perfect weather for ball hockey in door; not boiling hot. With last minute cancellations on our team we were left with 6 players (usually have 9). In no way did it matter in this game. As per typical “Monstars” fashion, we had a slow start. I was giving the ball away like it was my day job, but I scrambled and made up for my mistakes over and over. We finish the 1st period tied 0-0. During the intermission we hear the other team talking saying, “Guys we are in this. These guys are terrible. We can easily beat them, we just need shots”. Ok there bud, nice speech. He did fire up a team with it, but the wrong team. We all looked at each other and kinda chuckled and made the telepathic “time to turn it on” notion to everyone. 30 seconds in we were up 2-0. A beauty snipe by our center right off the bat, then a pass by yours truly through 2 player’s feet (seeing eye pass) and tape to tape for a tap in. From here on out it was a physical domination by us. Our average height is prolly 6’3”, and it would be more if it wasn’t for 1 short guy. Below the goal line was out territory and we quickly made ourselves at home there. By the end of the 2nd it was 6-0. At this point we are living rent free in this teams head. We are all reading their passes before they even pass it and stealing it like a gipsy in Rome. With 7 minutes left in the game we’re up 9-1 and start getting cute and moving D up to forward for some fun. We all started making some mistakes and admittedly not back checking to our ability. At the end of the game we won 10-5. Solid play for 23 minutes of the game, but the last 7 was bad.

Monstars are the dynasty of dynasties and set for a record breaking yr (if they kept records in the league…)