There are plenty of copycat leagues out there. This is not your typical league.

  1. This league is hosted on
  2. This is a total SEASON points league.
  3. 24 teams in the league.
  4. Rosters are 9 players (5F, 3D, 1G).
  5. There is no IR, there is no bench, there are no trades.
  6. Snake draft.
  7. After the 4th week of the season... the lowest point team will be eliminated. All players from the eliminated team will be placed on the waiver wire and be available to the remaining teams. Additional team eliminations will occur every other week.
  8. During team elimination weeks we will use Waiver Wire Priority based on worst-to-best total team points. For non elimination weeks, you will be provided $100 for Blind Auction Bidding.
  9. Commish will make GroupMe available.
  10. PM me for info or signup.
  11. Link to league ---->