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Thread: Game of Thrones...Movie? Maybe

  1. #16
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    Default Re: Game of Thrones...Movie? Maybe

    Quote Originally Posted by mounD View Post
    (aside from the portrayal of Jamie / Cersei at Joffrey's funeral-thing; don't get me started on GoT turning Jamie into a rapist)
    Actually the author even addressed this himself! I'm paraphrasing, but he basically said:

    1)in the book, that scene takes place right as Jamie returns from his's AFTER Joffrey dies, in the show he's been back for weeks and present at his death so the entire dynamic is necessarily the former Cersei is surprised by him being a)alive and b)maimed...the range of emotion and conflict is necessarily different
    2)he wrote the scene solely from the perspective of Jamie so the reader gets little insight on what Cersei is thinking/feeling other than what she says, but in the show it's obviously a 3rd person perspective so adding that to #1 it makes it seem more 'rapey' than the book
    3)he also noted that he wrote the scene to be troubling and disturbing and even somewhat ambiguous because those two characters share such a twisted relationship.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mister_mcgoo View Post
    Nonsense. But it begs the question, if you don't like then why do you watch it?
    Why would you say it's "nonsense"? There are a lot of people watching this series because they're invested in the books. I'm one of them, and I think mounD's assesment is pretty much spot-on.

    There are some things that the series is doing rather well, and others, well, not so much. I'd much rather that they had brought in some of the more colorful supporting characters such as the Brave Companions and Lem Lemoncloak and Tom o'Sevens, for example, rather than their rather bizarre tendency of showing people naked who would be much better off remaining clothed, IMO.

    But, you don't necessarily have to think that this series is the greatest thing since sliced bread to be watching it. That's a pretty simplistic assumption, mcgoo.


  3. #18
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    The TV show is incredible. Not sure how anyone can possibly think otherwise. It obviously can't hold a candle to the books, but by TV standards, the show is in a league of its own and they did a good job translating the books.

    This will become a movie. I think it's kind of pointless because the TV shows are already practically the movie in my mind, but... the movie is inevitable. Why? Simply because it will make a SHIT load of money.

    This franchise shits money like Lord Tywin shits gold.

  4. #19
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    Default Re: Game of Thrones...Movie? Maybe

    Quote Originally Posted by Instant Karma View Post
    Why would you say it's "nonsense"? There are a lot of people watching this series because they're invested in the books. I'm one of them, and I think mounD's assesment is pretty much spot-on.

    There are some things that the series is doing rather well, and others, well, not so much. I'd much rather that they had brought in some of the more colorful supporting characters such as the Brave Companions and Lem Lemoncloak and Tom o'Sevens, for example, rather than their rather bizarre tendency of showing people naked who would be much better off remaining clothed, IMO.

    But, you don't necessarily have to think that this series is the greatest thing since sliced bread to be watching it. That's a pretty simplistic assumption, mcgoo.
    You should read my subsequent comments to mounD if you want it fleshed out better but the bottom line is that while comparing and contrasting the two is inevitable (and often fun to be honest), it can also be unfair if you come at it from the perspective that they are the supposed to be the exact same. They're completely different mediums and should be appreciated for what they are in their own right, not constantly lamenting the one for not being like the other.

    Example: Two great artists compose a piece of the same beautiful woman posing. The first sculpts her in marble, the second paints her in oil on you criticize the former for being too rigid and stony or the latter for being too colorful when compared to it's counterpart?

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    Default Re: Game of Thrones...Movie? Maybe

    Quote Originally Posted by mounD View Post
    (aside from the portrayal of Jamie / Cersei at Joffrey's funeral-thing; don't get me started on GoT turning Jamie into a rapist)
    Quote Originally Posted by mister_mcgoo View Post
    AFTER Joffrey dies
    JEEZ.... C'MON!
    (damn it)

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    Default Re: Game of Thrones...Movie? Maybe

    Quote Originally Posted by Pengwin7 View Post
    JEEZ.... C'MON!
    (damn it)
    WTF? You said you were already on your 3rd show, books tv show?

  7. #22
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    Default Re: Game of Thrones...Movie? Maybe

    Quote Originally Posted by mister_mcgoo View Post
    WTF? You said you were already on your 3rd show, books tv show?
    I don't have HBO... so I'm only through first 3 seasons (via Netflix).
    Same with books... only first two books.

    It's OK... I've heard... just giving you guys shit for putting SPOILERS in this thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mister_mcgoo View Post
    You should read my subsequent comments to mounD if you want it fleshed out better but the bottom line is that while comparing and contrasting the two is inevitable (and often fun to be honest), it can also be unfair if you come at it from the perspective that they are the supposed to be the exact same. They're completely different mediums and should be appreciated for what they are in their own right, not constantly lamenting the one for not being like the other.

    Example: Two great artists compose a piece of the same beautiful woman posing. The first sculpts her in marble, the second paints her in oil on you criticize the former for being too rigid and stony or the latter for being too colorful when compared to it's counterpart?
    It's not that I'm operating under the delusion that they should be exactly the same, it's more that I feel some of the things that they are sacrificing are more essential than some of the things being added in their place.

    I feel very fortunate that I got into the (book) series when I did, because I expect that would have declined to invest the time in them based on just watching the HBO series. It just seems to me like a bland period soap-opera in comparison to the books. I watch it more as an academic exercise than anything else.

    It's a hugely compelling story, and I expect that in itself is responsible for most of the lauds that the show receives, and not the actual merits of the production itself overall. I don't see "two great artists" at work here, just the one....


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    Default Re: Game of Thrones...Movie? Maybe

    Quote Originally Posted by Instant Karma View Post
    It just seems to me like a bland period soap-opera in comparison to the books. I watch it more as an academic exercise than anything else.
    So I reiterate then, if it's so bad for you then don't watch it! Nobody's holding a gun to your

    This is what I find so incredibly frustrating with GOT is how many people LOVE to hate...if you don't enjoy it and find it to be a 'soap opera' then why are you wasting your time with it? In my experience, people like this do so simply because they derive enjoyment from criticizing something that others love, I dunno if that's you or not but if so, that's no way to live dude.

    Quote Originally Posted by Instant Karma View Post
    It's a hugely compelling story, and I expect that in itself is responsible for most of the lauds that the show receives, and not the actual merits of the production itself overall. I don't see "two great artists" at work here, just the one....
    To which I would reply, 'wtf else are you watching on TV right now that so dwarfs GOT in terms of production??? Seriously, lemme know cause I need to see it asap!'

    In our house we don't watch TV, we stopped doing that 5 years ago and have never looked back. So when I'm hanging out with friends who still tune into network TV I'm absolutely appalled at what passes for 'good' TV today, it's complete and utter garbage for the most part. So a series like GOT which weaves this epic tale and features some fantastic acting is head and shoulders above pretty much everything else available on TV today.

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    Default Re: Game of Thrones...Movie? Maybe

    Quote Originally Posted by mister_mcgoo View Post
    So I reiterate then, if it's so bad for you then don't watch it! Nobody's holding a gun to your
    Well, thanks for confirming my suspicions that you make no effort to read or understand what it is that people are trying to tell you.

    Quote Originally Posted by mister_mcgoo View Post
    This is what I find so incredibly frustrating with GOT is how many people LOVE to hate...if you don't enjoy it and find it to be a 'soap opera' then why are you wasting your time with it? In my experience, people like this do so simply because they derive enjoyment from criticizing something that others love, I dunno if that's you or not but if so, that's no way to live dude.
    Why don't you let me worry about how I live, mcgoo? Not agreeing with you on something or other doesn't make someone a "hater", it makes them a critic. More overly-simplistic reasoning on your part.

    Quote Originally Posted by mister_mcgoo View Post
    To which I would reply, 'wtf else are you watching on TV right now that so dwarfs GOT in terms of production??? Seriously, lemme know cause I need to see it asap!'

    In our house we don't watch TV, we stopped doing that 5 years ago and have never looked back. So when I'm hanging out with friends who still tune into network TV I'm absolutely appalled at what passes for 'good' TV today, it's complete and utter garbage for the most part. So a series like GOT which weaves this epic tale and features some fantastic acting is head and shoulders above pretty much everything else available on TV today.
    This is simply a false position on your part. My criticisms of the show are not in relation to other shows, they are in relation to the source material that the show in question is based upon.


  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Instant Karma View Post
    Well, thanks for confirming my suspicions that you make no effort to read or understand what it is that people are trying to tell you.
    Ok well please share what exactly are you trying to tell us that I missed then? Because you're being about as clear as mud here. You said you only watched it as an 'academic exercise' and found it 'a bland period soap-opera' compatred to the books. To me that sounds like someone who is not enjoying the experience at all, which is why I asked the question...if you're not enjoying it then why are you watching it? Seriously dude, tell me how else I'm supposed to take that kind of phrasing from you? What other conclusion would you have the reader come to?

    Quote Originally Posted by Instant Karma View Post
    Why don't you let me worry about how I live, mcgoo? Not agreeing with you on something or other doesn't make someone a "hater", it makes them a critic. More overly-simplistic reasoning on your part.
    Now who's making no effort to read or understand what the other person is saying? lol
    I clearly said 'I dunno if that's you or not' and 'In my experience', so don't get all butthurt if that doens't describe you accurately. But you're going to have to explain your motivation for watching it first so I have some basis for understanding your position...because as I said in my experience, people who watch shows that they 'hate' or even 'dislike' usually do so out of a need to criticize. You see the same phenomena with people who were long time readers of the his books before the TV series came out, now that it's popular it can't be any good because everyone is enjoying they hate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Instant Karma View Post

    This is simply a false position on your part. My criticisms of the show are not in relation to other shows, they are in relation to the source material that the show in question is based upon.
    OK fair enough, point taken...but it still begs the question, if you find GOT so tedious to watch then what DO you watch and enjoy on TV? Because I truly want to know what I'm missing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mister_mcgoo View Post
    OK fair enough, point taken...but it still begs the question, if you find GOT so tedious to watch then what DO you watch and enjoy on TV? Because I truly want to know what I'm missing.
    I believe I made myself quite clear in my previous posts. I'm not going to attempt to find new ways to rephrase what I've already stated in order to keep this argument going ad nauseum.

    Apparently you don't understand what I mean by an "academic exercise". I can't really think of a better way to describe that rationale then what I already have. Sometimes you don't watch things because you enjoy them, sometimes it's because you foster a certain amount of interest about the subject. Enjoyment is not the be-all, end-all.

    I watch more stuff than I probably should, some of it better than GoT, some of it not. But as I pointed out earlier, that's rather immaterial because my criticisms of the show are not relative to other shows, current or otherwise. My problem with GoT is not that it's not as good as "Mad Men" or "Breaking Bad" (although it is certainly not). That's not the point of my criticism.


  13. #28
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    Default Re: Game of Thrones...Movie? Maybe

    Quote Originally Posted by Instant Karma View Post
    I believe I made myself quite clear in my previous posts. I'm not going to attempt to find new ways to rephrase what I've already stated in order to keep this argument going ad nauseum.
    No you really didn't, and you still haven't. It was a very simple question and one which you continue to evade for some reason. If I had to guess, you went too far in your criticisms and now it's too late to backpedal so you're just choosing not to answer the question.

    Quote Originally Posted by Instant Karma View Post
    Apparently you don't understand what I mean by an "academic exercise". I can't really think of a better way to describe it then what I already have.
    Well that's sort of an answer at least. Are you an academic in the sense that you study film and/or writing and this is part of your work at school (or related to a job perhaps)? Or are you just using the term in the amateur sense that 'everyone is a critic' and you just enjoy comparing the two for your own edification? I guess on some level that makes sense, but again my response would be 'why are you still at it 4 seasons in?' Surely you would have gleaned enough through season 1 or even season 2, why torture yourself further with this 'soap opera' as you put it? For example, I'll give you a couple for me...two books I really enjoyed are the Scarlett Letter and the Great Gatsby. Both were made into movies so I was interested in seeing how they would be adapted to the scrfeen. The former was so bad I only made it about 20 mins in before I wanted to gougue out my eyes. The latter I hated as well but I was stuck on a cross country flight and my tablet was out of juice so that's all there was to watch.

    Quote Originally Posted by Instant Karma View Post
    I watch more stuff than I probably should, some of it better than GoT, some of it not. But as I pointed out earlier, that's rather immaterial because my criticisms of the show are not in realtion to other shows. My problem with GoT is not that it's not as good as "Mad Men" or "Breaking Bad". That's not my point.
    Again, not answering the are you afraid I'm gonna shit all over some show that you like? No worries, I don't feel that need at all, I'm legitimately interested to know what stacks up well against GOT these days.

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