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Thread: Pengwin7's COVID Info/Advice/Links

  1. #1
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    Default Pengwin7's COVID Info/Advice/Links

    My 7 year old daughter got a positive COVID test this week (on Wed), following a Monday afternoon test.
    She woke up with a "hurting head" on Monday morning.
    I said "Oh, how do you feel?"
    She said "Not good."
    I touched her forehead. (Very warm. Went to wash hands).
    I came back with our temporal/forehead thermometer.

    I have been taking my daughters temperatures for over a year now.
    They always read the same 97.3, with days slightly below at 97.1 - or slightly above at 97.5.

    The previous Friday, my 7 year old's teacher had sent a message from class that read:
    Hey Littles' Families,
    If your child needs to quarantine, please let me know as soon as possible via email so I can upload all activities to (school-online-system). You can choose to print the papers from home or pick up the packets at school.

    I told my wife that Friday... "Shit, something's up... it (COVID) is in <my daughter>'s classroom."

    So I told my daughter I was keeping her home.
    By 8am (90min after wake-up), she said "I'm OK... I can go..."
    I said "No, you are not going today".

    She was very tired that day, more than usual, said she felt not good.
    Later that Monday, my wife got a text from another mom in class that her son wasn't feeling well to start the morning, she kept him home.
    They are deskmates in a group of 3 in her 2nd grade class.
    In her class, about 4-5 kids "mask up"... and the others do not.
    It's terrible. My daughter was hopeless to avoid this, even with her mask.
    On Tuesday night, the mom of the other boy texted us that he was positive for COVID.
    We knew we were doomed.

    (It's become clear to us in the last 3 days... that the biggest issue is parents that aren't identifying that their child has symptoms... because they are small and sometimes not that far off a kid who just wants to avoid school with an excuse. Get a thermometer for your kids, start taking their temperatures.)

    I live in Georgia (USA) currently.
    Only about 50% of adults have been vaccinated here... and of those... not surprisingly, none wear maks or promote their kids to wear masks.
    Of the 50% of adults that are vaccinated... less than 50% of those are wearing masks and promoting their kids to wear masks.

    In our county, Cobb County, the schoolboard is run by a majority vote of those that believe in "personal freedoms" and refuse to enforce a mask mandate.
    So mask wearing is "optional" - despite it being in place last year.

    Some notes, I'm sure most of you know these... but I know some do NOT...
    Actually, I know many, especially those of you without school kids... do NOT...

    1. Vaccinating is a personal decision. One should vaccinate. It's good for you. It can keep you out of the hospital. Recent reports show that of the COVID patients in GA hospitals... over 95% are "unvaccinated".

    2. With the original COVID, vaccinating kept people from passing it on. With the Delta variant, even vaccinated people can pass it on if they get a "breakthrough case". So... please... don't think "I'm good... I'm vaccinated" and stop caring about mask wearing.

    3. Regarding mask wearing... (and this is the part where a BUNCH of you are going to get mad)... most of you... have been wearing shit masks to this point. Most governments, US gov't for sure, promoted "wear a mask" when COVID first came out. Realistically, there were NOT enough high-quality masks to go around and the medical profession needed them. The US gov't recommended that the N95 maks be reserved for first-response/medical personnel. I had a bunch because I do DIY home work with pavers/masonry and my dad got me a big pack for cutting up CMU and brick. They are great, I can tell. They have straps that go around the head. They are THE.BEST. All masks are not equal. I have known this for sometime but people don't like it when I tell them they should spend money on a better mask. And better masks weren't available in masses for a while. But they are now. And everybody needs to be aware that their cloth and medical masks are not very good for stopping spread of aerosol (breath) tiny droplets of COVID.

    University of Waterloo (where I went for engineering through 2001) just published their testing and research in the Journal of Physics of Fluids, here it is:

    If you are wearing a cloth or floppy-blue-medical mask... it's not doing much.
    Spend some money. Get some better masks for when you are going out in public spaces with lots of people.
    N95 (US approved) or FN95 (Canadian).
    Hopefully, you guys aren't surrounded by people breeding this COVID around, like in the South.

    The COVID numbers are slowly spreading North (it swept from Lousiana/Missouri - down across Gulf Coast to Florida, up to Georgia, TN, Kentucky... it's headed north...)
    They are coming for most of you in hockey-worlds...
    I'm telling you now... they are coming...

    And there's no bigger breeding grounds than schools.
    And yes... schools in the North will have mask mandates...
    But kids <12 still can't be vaccinated.
    And kids have shitty fitting masks.
    And they will still have lunch together...
    And eat their food at long tables with their big-ass-open-mouth-munchings.

    My poor 11-year old was ONE WEEK from her vaccination appointment.
    Now she's home for 14-day quarantine,
    Will miss her 12th birthday with friends.
    She is falling behind in her school work since me and her working mom are struggling to keep pace with what her teachers can do.
    We have full-time jobs.

    1. Please, get vaccinated - if you can, for your SELF. (My wife and I are... so far, our kids COVID in house hasn't affected it... but we both feel it trying us out.)
    2. Please, get yourself (and your kids - if you have them) a good effin mask, for OTHERS. (If you are vaccinated or not, you can carry and pass around the Delta Variant of COVID. You will not know you have it until your get symptoms... and by then you can pass it around if your mask is shit. And most of you... your masks are probably shit. Kids are super resilient and our pediatrician even indicated that kids feel this for one-day, but they DO have it, and will spread it. Kids masks are especially shit. But the CDC, here in the US, is now recommending mask-fitting devices that will pull the mask edges tighter around the counter of the face-fit...

    I try to stay away from politicing and rants...
    But people in the South are doing this really, really wrong.

    They spent a year already dealing with COVID.
    They learned some stuff...
    They chose to get vaccinated or not...

    But they didn't stay on top of learning about the Delta Variant of COVID.
    It's like the original COVID on steroids... and it's going right around most of your masks.
    And proper masking can help stop it.
    (Along with proper ventilation of interior rooms... but that's probably beyond most of your controls.)

    Stay safe my friends.

    More reading on proper masking up:

    Avoiding getting a KN95 from Amazon, CDC reports that 60% of them are counterfeit:

    The breakthrough of COVID in schools:

    The case study from Massachusetts (highly vaccinated population) that revealed that vaccinated people can contract and spread the Delta variant:

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    Yes, proper masks are essential. If you only have cloth or surgical they need changing at the least every 4 hours.
    Yes, vaccines work. I make vaccines for a living so am a firm believer in science. There is no excuse for not getting the Pfizer vaccine because it is now approved.
    Yes, people will not get the vaccine because they think it is an infringement on their freedoms, but that is a selfish way of thinking and if it continues that way we will be in for many more mutations of this virus. Don’t complain if you can’t go into certain businesses or events because you are not vaccinated. Those people have a right to protect their livelihoods.
    Vaccines work, the COVID-19 vaccine is not a cure but a preventative weapon against it. Numbers are going up steadily and it is only late summer. I pray it doesn’t get worse in the Fall and Winter months.

    Thanks to Pengwin7 for bringing this up, take care of everyone. I hate sounding like CNN but I still have friends and family who won’t get the vaccine for one reason or another. Venting complete.
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    Default Re: Pengwin7's COVID Info/Advice/Links

    Does anyone know the best/most trustworthy place that sells FN95s? Wouldn't mind picking one up locally but I can get one delivered if need be.

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    Default Re: Pengwin7's COVID Info/Advice/Links

    Sorry to hear that you're going through this. As a semi-retired person with no family, and only living with a significant other for a few more months once we no longer co-habitate, I've found that my situation is far simpler than most.

    When you related that you're in Georgia, I was quite confused, as that doesn't scream "Prairies" to me. Parts of the US are very, very clueless and insular when it comes to certain things. Cobb is really, really, bad. Sorry you're paying taxes for that boondoggle of a ball park.
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    We get our KN95’s from Staples. They’re white and say KN95 on one side. Another big problem with viruses is that they can be transmitted into the membrane of the eye. Because we work in close proximity of each other, we wear face shields plus the mask AND safety glasses. Anything is better than nothing.
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    Hope you can escape catching it and your daughter recovers fine.

    Ya the cloth masks work okay if you are just in and out, but if your sitting for extended periods of time in a group (like a classroom setting) it's not going to be as effective. Well even the N95's aren't going to be 100% in a classroom setting.
    As someone who uses N95's while doing dirty work, like cleaning out grain bins, you can really see their effectiveness.
    If you are worried about spreading it to a loved one, I completely suggest/agree using an N95 instead of a cloth mask. Wash your hands and avoid touching around your face!
    I wear a mask to protect others that are more vulnerable than myself, not to protect myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Feenom View Post
    Yes, people will not get the vaccine because they think it is an infringement on their freedoms, but that is a selfish way of thinking and if it continues that way we will be in for many more mutations of this virus.
    Viruses mutate constantly, and has nothing to do with people not being vaccinated.

    Quote Originally Posted by pmorrow View Post
    Does anyone know the best/most trustworthy place that sells FN95s? Wouldn't mind picking one up locally but I can get one delivered if need be.
    You can try farming depots or SafetyCanada (not sure where you live)
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    Vaccinations especially to those that are immuno comprised help against the spread of variants. And yes vaccinations do help because once the pathogen enters the body and lingers, if you are not vaccinated, it allows the virus in the body (without antibodies) a chance to mutate. This is especially true in the vaccinated as well, because over time the effectiveness of the vaccine does decrease and allows the virus a better chance to evade the antibodies. Basically a mini battle in your body. Don’t want to get into it with you Invictus but vaccinations can help the fight against variants.
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    Default Re: Pengwin7's COVID Info/Advice/Links

    First off Pengwin7 wishing your family and yourself good health. Take care.
    Vaccines absolutely help. My wife & I were vaccinated for both shots as soon as they were available here. We continue to wear good masks and practice social distancing.
    I’m still amazed at how many people here act as if we’re back to normal as long as they have had both shots. No masks, no social distancing, a lack of respecting people’s personal space and stores no longer sanitize hand baskets and shopping carts.
    Mix in the number of individuals who have not been vaccinated and it’s no wonder the amount of daily covid positive cases here in the BC Okanagan are increasing.
    Stay safe everyone. Cheers
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    Man, Pengwin, I hope your kids recover quickly (they should) and your family can rebound quickly from this.

    My wife and I are lucky enough to have our kids in a daycare where every member of the staff is vaccinated (as required by the government) and every parent (as far as we know) are too. I think we all made a significant effort to make sure our children are healthy before sending them to daycare. It can be a struggle to identify when symptoms like a runny nose or a cough could be a result of the virus or simply a new tooth coming out but we're all on the safe side and keep our children at home when in doubt.

    I 100% agree about masks. I work with a mask the whole day because I work in customer service and while it's a pain in the...we do it to protect those around us. I splurged, as you said, for a half-dozen good masks a year ago to make sure I did my part in preventing this pandemic from reaching those around me. So far so good, at least.

    As for the vaccines, I don't want to start a rant but yeah, get vaccinated people! My wife is immuno-compromised so even if she's fully vaccinated, she's still very dependent on others around her not contracting the disease to be as safe as possible. I understand freedom and personal liberty and I won't ever force someone to get vaccinated, but I damn right will tell them that it's the right thing to do for them and those around them.

    Good luck to you and your family. I hope your state, and heck your whole country, can start pushing in the right direction before before Delta variant causes even more damage.

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    Default Re: Pengwin7's COVID Info/Advice/Links

    Quote Originally Posted by Feenom View Post
    Vaccinations especially to those that are immuno comprised help against the spread of variants. And yes vaccinations do help because once the pathogen enters the body and lingers, if you are not vaccinated, it allows the virus in the body (without antibodies) a chance to mutate. This is especially true in the vaccinated as well, because over time the effectiveness of the vaccine does decrease and allows the virus a better chance to evade the antibodies. Basically a mini battle in your body. Don’t want to get into it with you Invictus but vaccinations can help the fight against variants.
    Okay... mutation can occur in both is all I was getting at . I guess pick your poison if you want a strong mutation or a greater chance at one.

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    Default Re: Pengwin7's COVID Info/Advice/Links

    Quote Originally Posted by Invictus View Post

    Viruses mutate constantly, and has nothing to do with people not being vaccinated.
    This is why polio and smallpox variants are always tearing through the population.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Invictus View Post
    Okay... mutation can occur in both is all I was getting at. I guess pick your poison if you want a strong mutation or a greater chance at one.

    OH it's too late for an argument!
    Time’s up and I don’t have any spare time to argue with you. Lol, main thing from all of this is stay safe buddy, it’s a crazy time out there. Cheers.
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    Quote Originally Posted by senryu View Post
    This is why polio and smallpox variants are always tearing through the population.
    It's amazing what eradicating a virus can do. How's Pakistan doing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Feenom View Post
    Time’s up and I don’t have any spare time to argue with you. Lol, main thing from all of this is stay safe buddy, it’s a crazy time out there. Cheers.
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    First and foremost, I hope your girls recover quickly and you and your wife remain healthy and safe Peng.

    Where I live, 82% of our population has had one vaccine, 77% has had both their shots. Masks are mandatory in all public settings and as a result, our overall numbers throughout the pandemic have been low in relation to other jurisdictions. Our regional population is small, approximately 125,000 and being a border city, the border has been closed until recently when Canada began allowing US citizens to cross. Canadians are still restricted from entering the States unless flying.

    The one thing that bothers me the most is when people say it is an infringement on their freedoms to be forced to wear masks or get vaccinated. What BULLSHIT!! I would argue that LESS THAN 20% of the population (nationally in Canada) are infringing on my freedoms by refusing to get vaccinated, wear masks and to social distance and extending this pandemic much longer than need be.

    And with school starting and fall/winter just around the corner, I don't see an end to the pandemic when things can truly go back to "normal" anytime soon.

    End of rant.

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    My very best wishes for your daughter, and your family, Mr. Penguin.

    The 60% stat for counterfeit masks on Amazon is just so sad. I wish that aspect was enforced much stronger.

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