Hi - I was involved in a league about 15 years ago and have always going back to this concept and would love to find a group that might be interested. I have the whole constitution but the main difference I am pasting below...the initial auction of the top 30 players. The rest is a serpentine draft. If there's anybody interested in trying this, let me know as I would love to set it up and commish it and share the rest of the constitution. [email protected]. Looking for 15-18 teams, roto categories, mixed
Initial League Draft Phase I: The Slow Auction – Due to the keeper format of this league, an effort has been made to allow owners to acquire a limited number of players they want to build around through some sort of auction format. However, the logistics of assembling 15 owners from around the world to carry out a full auction draft are very difficult to overcome, so the Dancing Banana Keeper League will attempt to implement a hybrid approach.
Phase I will be a slow auction conducted on the league message board to disperse the first 30 players over a five-week period beginning January 15, 2007. Owners will receive a budget of $100 auction dollars to be spent during this phase, and the 30 players auctioned off are the top 30 players on Yahoo’s most recent “Big Board”.
These 30 players will be divided into 10 groups of 3 players. Each Monday and Thursday, beginning on Monday, January 15, a new group of 3 players will “hit the block” (the actual schedule is listed below). A separate auction thread for each player will be created on the league message board where owners will submit their bids. For example, Johan Santana will hit the auction block on Monday, January 15, so a “Johan Santana” thread will be started by the commissioner. All owners wishing to bid on Santana will post a message in that thread stating how much of their $100 auction budget they want to bid.
The bidding will continue this way until one of two things happen. If a player thread goes without a bid for 24 consecutive hours, that player’s auction round will be considered closed and the owner who submits the final bid will be awarded the player. Continuing the Johan Santana example, if team C bids $43 on January 17 at 2:34 PM EST, and nobody submits a higher bid after that, then team C will be awarded Johan Santana at 2:34 PM EST on January 18.
The second way a player’s auction round will conclude is if the bidding continues for an entire week. Due to time constraints and the need to move onto the slow draft portion with adequate time to finish populating team rosters, a 7 day limit is being placed on each player’s auction round. So, if Johan Santana goes on the block on Monday, January 15, and the bidding stays active for an entire week (there is never a 24 hour lag between bids), his auction round will close after 11:59 PM EST on Monday, January 22. Any bid posted to the board up through 11:59 PM EST on the 22nd will be an active bid, but once the clock hits midnight and the calendar flips to 12:00 AM on January 23, Santana’s auction round will close automatically and the owner who placed the highest bid during the period THAT HAS THE AUCTION FUNDS TO SUPPORT THE BID will be awarded the player. If an owner bids more money than they currently have available in their auction budget then their bid will automatically be disqualified.
Owners can accumulate as many or as few players during this auction phase as their budget allows. However, each team is restricted to their original $100 allotment as auction dollars during this phase are NOT tradeable.