First time poster here - not sure if this is the correct place to post, didn’t seem to fit neatly anywhere else.

Happy holidays to all! Wanted to offer a resource to any commissioners out there running dynasty leagues with prospects that have eligibility tracked in a separate spreadsheet. I know commissioners in such leagues have a lot on their plate trying to run their own teams and also find the time to stay on top of updating/tracking prospect eligibility requirements such as age, games played, etc.

I wanted to offer up a Google sheet I put together this year for the league I'm a part of. It automatically runs daily updates for games played and age, and has built in features where players are added to the sheet via a drop down menu rather than having to mess with copy and pasting (a feature that can also be used for draft picks, if your league has tradeable picks).

There's absolutely nothing proprietary about what I've created, I just put a decent amount of legwork into building it and if it could help out someone else, that'd be awesome.

Anyone who is interested can DM me for a link and details.