16 team h2h dynasty has 3 openings (not a buy in, but fantrax premium)
- rosters: same as real life, 4 of each forward type, 6 D, 1 G, 4 BN. in season need at least 6 of your team name (can change names if you get 6 from a different team name). NOT a franchise league in which you get those gifted to you simply from having that name, you have to acquire your own. cannot go from legal (6 min) to illegal during season on your own but get 3 days leeway time in event real life trade or signing takes you under 6 min team named players. doesn't apply to offseason. infinite IR's but from that cannot obtain IR stashable players from FA (can obtain anybody in any state during draft); if whoever is about to come off suspended/IR'd in real life can be sent to waivers prior, everybody's alerted to this and can be obtained after. 10 max prospect slots on roster (eligibility is 100 season games for skaters, 50 for goalies, can call up/send down/add to/drop from/trade till they go over that 100/50).
- goalie max rule: (only applies to active, not IR/minor slotted players, in event of real life trade/signing or guy going over prospect limits that you already owned 3 days leeway time to trade away or drop; only applies to in season): as many as you want from ONE real life team and UP TO 1 from a 2nd real life team.
*: stream rule for goalies: in addition to above you can stream a goalie a day on top of that. streaming here defined as adding from FA for one start or calling up from minor slots for a start. after the day of the start the streamed goalie that extra one must be dropped or slotted back to minors, OR another goalie, somebody else is dropped or sent to minors (or traded away) that day.
- premium yearly dues: it's in u.s. money 8.13 (usually + .5 so 8.63 this year) due to fantrax by october 25th (and it's basically always near the end of october). if there's issues with paying them for whatever reason (i've had owners with these before) can paypal me friends and family that exact figure (or converted to that figure if canadian or where ever else) and i can pay for you, just make sure you say which team you are paying for when doing it. this isn't required to pay me, trust me with your money, can just pay fantrax directly (but i help out a few owners every year, can ask them how i've screwed them over zero times ever). however, the NYR owner quit at end of last year and paid in advance for NYR so what i'll do here is spread the savings equally. so instead of 8.63 per new owner it'll be 5.76 per new owner for this year, next year if price doesn't go up it'll be 8.63.
- scoring: shots, goals, assists, PPP, SHP, faceoff wins, hits, blocks, PIM's, plus/minus. for goalies: the standard 4 goalie stats: wins, shutouts, GAA, sv %. min 3 starts per matchup assuming normal length matchups (if really thin or thick with games week or longer/shorter week it'll go up/down based on that, there's a chart in the rules page for the games per matchup needed to go up/down, it's not that often, but it's commensurate to a regular week being 3). max 10 adds per regular length matchup (commensurately more/less for longer/shorter matchups).
available teams (2):
2. NYR: has the 9th in all rounds, also the 1.11 and 4.11
Re: 16 team h2h dynasty has 3 openings (not a buy in, but fantrax premium)
WAS also got taken, only NYR left available, and this year price is cheaper only $5.49 u.s. paypaled to me directly (dues already due near end of october, it's been paid by me here). future years assuming no price increase it's $8.63 if direct to fantrax (8.13 if transferred to me first as i can dodge the .50 fantrax per transaction fee).