I hope it is ok to post this here. I do not see any threads for league openings.
This is a league with alot going on. It is a Salary/Contract league and I have one opening.
We will be going into our 5th year. It takes owners that want to be active and involved.
There is a good amount of off season action since we have several RFA periods, the draft etc.
The league features alot to help give you a real life feel.
RFA, Franchise/Transition tags with possible draft compensation. IDP, Relegation, Taxi Squads, Taxi Steals,
Devy, Salary Renegotiations, Extensions and much more.
Player acquisition is done by auction with the exception of the rookie/devy draft.
We have great owners. If you want a full featured league that will be around a few years this is for you.
One of the leagues I run is going into its 22nd year and another is going strong at 12 years. There is not
a lot of turn over and a few owners have been around for the whole time period.
I will post the bylaws and home page so you can take a look and you can post here or shoot me an
e-mail to [email protected].... if your interested.
Please check out the bylaws so you know the depth of the league before committing.
The open team is indicated on the homepage standings and it is possible we do a
dispersal for the three teams with new owners.
Dedicated and active owners please take a look. I will explain an or answer any questions you might have.