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Thread: Dobber Tiered Invitational 2022-23

  1. #31
    Rep Power

    Dobber Sports Recruit

    Default Re: Dobber Tiered Invitational 2022-23


  2. #32
    Rep Power

    Dobber Sports Recruit

    Default Re: Dobber Tiered Invitational 2022-23

    Can't figure out how to send you a message + i oddly get logged out of my account every time i move to a new webpage, so giving you the info here (in case there are any spots left):

    Dobber League
    [email protected]
    Sunday Oct 9 1pm EST (Not available for any other options)
    Not interested in autodrafting


  3. #33
    Rep Power

    Dobber Sports Recruit

    Default Re: Dobber Tiered Invitational 2022-23

    Can't figure out how to DM you + I am oddly logged out of my account every time i move to a new webpage on the forum, so posting here:

    Dobber League
    [email protected]
    Oct 9th 1pm EST (not available for any others)
    Not interested in autodrafting


  4. #34
    Rep Power

    Dobber Sports Apprentice

    Default Re: Dobber Tiered Invitational 2022-23

    I need you to PM me an email address. Thanks.

  5. #35
    Rep Power

    Dobber Sports Apprentice

    Default Re: Dobber Tiered Invitational 2022-23

    I will be sleeping over night soon but I will get to any messages first thing.

  6. #36
    Rep Power

    Dobber Sports Apprentice

    Default Re: Dobber Tiered Invitational 2022-23

    Draft room opens at 12:30 and the league will be locked by then. I am driving, QEW for those who know, between 11:30 and 1:00. I will do my best to get you in. The league is on Yahoo, so you will need a Yahoo profile.

  7. #37
    Rep Power

    Dobber Sports Apprentice

    Default Re: Dobber Tiered Invitational 2022-23

    Not driving. Plan fell through. Need an email by 12:15 to fill the last spot.

  8. #38
    Rep Power

    Dobber Sports Apprentice

    Default Re: Dobber Tiered Invitational 2022-23

    One league left. If we get enough interest, Monday 9:00 pm Eastern.

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