Mic Foley wants to be part of Wrestlemania next year?
Mic Foley wants to be part of Wrestlemania next year?
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I think they should fully divide. the shows. Essentially create their own competitor - WCW style - get a new creative director in. change the rope colours, ring canvas etc. Redesign the crap out of it. And have no overlapy for 2-3 years then have one massive cross-over event.
WWE needs competition. it was at its best when they had to re-invent the wheel and find a way to compete with WCW & NWO... That's what created DX
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WWE's competition is Vince McMahon
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AEW is pushing WWE right now, which is a good thing. But ya, right now I think a big part of the competition to the WWE is NXT, which of course, is WWE...
Personally, I thought that Wrestlemania was horrible this year, but what can you expect. I thought that the Edge/Orton, Taker/Styles and Cena/Fiend matches were all brutal. I know lots who disagree with me though...
RIP Howard Finkel.
Damn, he was the best at what he did. Not even close.
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