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Thread: 2019/20 DobberHockey Tiered Invitational: 13th year!

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    Default 2019/20 DobberHockey Tiered Invitational: 13th year!

    ***Please check most recent posts for updates***

    Welcome to the 2018/19 DobberHockey Tiered Invitational!

    This thread is for information only.

    The attachment below contains details about the competition setup (with any changes from last season), structure and how to (re)join this upcoming season.
    Please read it fully to ensure you're informed as this thread is just a summary of some key details.

    This is a tiered competition consisting of annual one-year rotisserie leagues, which are held on Yahoo, and run and participated by members of DobberHockey. Previously managed by Dobber himself, this competition began in 2007 so next season will be the 12th year running. There are three tiers, which comprise of the Entry, Pro and Expert divisions.

    If you don't have a forum account yet

    If you expect to be interested and haven't created a forum account yet, I highly recommend you register soon and start posting to have your account approved. Otherwise, this could cause delays and may result in missing out on your choice.

    Please note that only once you start posting can your account be approved, which can take a few days. This will make your post visible and allows you to start sending private messages.

    What you need to know

    As mentioned previously, please read the attachment below for full details. In brief, this is what you will need to know regarding joining this season:

    New managers

    Around early September, there will be a thread created for recruitment into the Entry division. There will be a choice of four leagues (Smythe, Norris, Patrick and Adams), each with a specific live draft date (late September). You will select the league that is most suitable that has available places. The recruitment thread will detail exactly what you have to do to receive an invite, so stay tuned. Furthermore, I recommend that those who join the competition are also active on the forums, as this is a Dobber community competition. I want people to integrate themselves in the leagues more than just managing a team.

    Returning managers

    Entry division
    Eligible managers will be given an early opportunity to re-join the competition before public recruitment begins (by private message and/or personal email). Following confirmation, invites will be going out soon thereafter. Please make sure your inbox is not full and you can receive messages. These messages have already been sent so please keep an eye out for them. The email used was the one you provided last year. If that is no longer valid, please let me know with a correct one. You can still send in your choice after public recruitment begins, but it will be first come, first served for everyone.

    Pro division
    Eligible managers have been sent invites into the two leagues, which have already been assigned. Please note that the email used was the one you provided last year. If that is no longer valid, please let me know with a correct one. From here, managers can discuss a suitable live draft date.

    Expert division
    Managers have been sent invites from the created league to re-join the competition. From here, managers can discuss a suitable live draft date.

    Important message to all new and existing managers

    Please note that expressing interest and receiving an invitation does not guarantee you a place in the competition. You must have joined the assigned or chosen league to guarantee this place; otherwise you risk missing out on your preferred choice, or even a place at all.

    I strongly recommend you join the league as soon as possible following receipt of the invite. We would prefer to have the leagues filled with time to spare in case there are any last minute changes to make.

    Next steps

    As mentioned in the relevant sections, either keep an eye out for any messages, invites or for the recruitment thread created (in this sub-section) in early September.

    If you have any questions, please make sure you read the attached document first in case your answers are already covered there. Otherwise, I'm happy to take any questions in this thread.

    Stay tuned!
    Attached Files Attached Files

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