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Thread: GOT - George RR Martin says (spoiler?)

  1. #1
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    Default GOT - George RR Martin says (spoiler?)

    I found this interesting:

    “People are going to die who don’t die in the books, so even the book readers will be unhappy,” Martin said. “So everybody better be on their toes. David and D.B. are even bloodier than I am.”
    Any guesses who gets it?
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  2. #2
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    Dobber Sports Demi-God

    Default Re: GOT - Martin says characters will die in show that didn't in books

    My guesses wouldn't actually be guesses... they'd be more of "highly likely" candidates based on knowing some prophecies that GRRM has set up in ASOIAF.
    In other words, there are some characters slated to die per prophecy stories withIN the books.
    [In simpler terms, as of end of last book the characters are alive... but it's just a matter of time since all GRRM prophecies do come true - and this one is a clear interpretation.]
    I could reveal, but I think we'd need to put a SPOILER alert.

    For anybody that does want to spoil it for themselves, I believe two characters would be mentioned in this linked prophecy:
    I can't say for sure if it'll be THIS season... but they aren't highly main characters so they could easily be written out before the book does them out.

    And the third character (being MAIN) is too important for the show at this point and will not be killed as long as that person's actual HBO contract allows...
    possibly being killed off in their last season's Episode 9/10 (since Ep.9 is the new "shock" value ep).

  3. #3
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    Dobber Sports Grand Master

    Default Re: GOT - Martin says characters will die in show that didn't in books

    Could you change the subject so nothing is revealed for those who haven't read or seen it? Even though it doesn't give away details, it's enough of a spoiler. Whenever I see Game of Thrones' threads, I know to avoid them so I won't read a spoiler.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: GOT - Martin says characters will die in show that didn't in books

    Quote Originally Posted by horrorfan View Post
    Could you change the subject so nothing is revealed for those who haven't read or seen it? Even though it doesn't give away details, it's enough of a spoiler. Whenever I see Game of Thrones' threads, I know to avoid them so I won't read a spoiler.
    Do you have a suggested title that separates the thread from the other GOT? I don't want a spoiler I'm surprised that you consider the thread title a spoiler

    @Pengwin you can use the [spoiler) (/spoiler] tags
    The Best Fantasy Hockey Site

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    G - Vejmelka, L. Thompson, Levi, Primeau, Daws, Kolosov
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: GOT - Martin says characters will die in show that didn't in books

    Quote Originally Posted by Dobber View Post
    Do you have a suggested title that separates the thread from the other GOT? I don't want a spoiler I'm surprised that you consider the thread title a spoiler

    @Pengwin you can use the [spoiler) (/spoiler] tags
    'Martin is revealing some interesting information etc.' or something like that. No need to give anything else away unless we want to know more.

    I consider your title similar to film trailers who say 'watch this film, there's a twist.' I don't want to know there is a twist. I want to watch a good film and be surprised by the twist. If I'm told there's a twist, often I skip the film.

    EDIT (noticed updated subject): Thanks.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: GOT - George RR Martin says (spoiler?)

    omg this slays me when people pretend they are somehow insiders to the process or have some idea what is going to actuaklly happen because they happen to have a netflix account and they read this one blog by some guy

    if you actually bothered to take the time to learn anything about the author you'd realize that he is a huge troll and he gets just as much pleasure jerking you idiots around as he does writing the book. He's said as much in multiple interviews, if you want to play into that and play make believe then knock yourselves out but its not newsworthy, its just GRRM ****ing with dumb people.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: GOT - George RR Martin says (spoiler?)

    Quote Originally Posted by rumplestiltskin View Post
    omg this slays me when people pretend they are somehow insiders to the process or have some idea what is going to actuaklly happen because they happen to have a netflix account and they read this one blog by some guy

    if you actually bothered to take the time to learn anything about the author you'd realize that he is a huge troll and he gets just as much pleasure jerking you idiots around as he does writing the book. He's said as much in multiple interviews, if you want to play into that and play make believe then knock yourselves out but its not newsworthy, its just GRRM ****ing with dumb people.
    OMG this slays me when someone sees us having a little fun pissing around a forum and not really taking a topic seriously...and that someone believes we're completely serious and sucked in. Then the same someone pretends that he's, like, really knowledgeable about it because he has a netflix account or knows the author personally or something and then he 'teaches' us what the real situation is as if we weren't already aware. Because it takes a rocket scientist to crack the code, thank goodness you figured it out for us

    I'm a huge troll and I get just as much pleasure jerking idiots around by trying to lure them into 'setting us straight' on insignificant topics as I do running the forum. If you want to play into it then knock yourself out, but I'm just ****ing with dumb people.
    The Best Fantasy Hockey Site

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    F - T. Thompson, Thomas, Nylander, Benson, Guentzel, Fiala, Quinn, Mittelstadt, Hagel, Zacha, Kovalenko, Berggren, Brink, Ostlund, Peterka, Kuzmenko, Samoskevich, Kantserov
    G - Vejmelka, L. Thompson, Levi, Primeau, Daws, Kolosov
    D - Hronek, Morrissey, Lundkvist, Faber, Brannstrom, Hanifin, Maillioux, Nikishin, Andrae, Cagnoni

  8. #8
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    Default Re: GOT - George RR Martin says (spoiler?)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dobber View Post
    OMG this slays me when someone sees us having a little fun pissing around a forum and not really taking a topic seriously...and that someone believes we're completely serious and sucked in. Then the same someone pretends that he's, like, really knowledgeable about it because he has a netflix account or knows the author personally or something and then he 'teaches' us what the real situation is as if we weren't already aware. Because it takes a rocket scientist to crack the code, thank goodness you figured it out for us

    I'm a huge troll and I get just as much pleasure jerking idiots around by trying to lure them into 'setting us straight' on insignificant topics as I do running the forum. If you want to play into it then knock yourself out, but I'm just ****ing with dumb people.
    Ouch, someone is butthurt, might need to fetch him the donut to sit on for a bit.

    It's OK, go back to your little game of pretending you know what GRRM is all about, whatever floats your boat

  9. #9
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    Dobber Sports Demi-God

    Default Re: GOT - Martin says characters will die in show that didn't in books

    Quote Originally Posted by Dobber View Post
    @Pengwin you can use the [spoiler) (/spoiler] tags
    I've never tried using those.
    Hmmm... gonna have to try that.

    Anyways - there was no real *SPOILER* here anyways.
    Anybody that really knows about GoT (/asoiaf) knows there are over 500 characters.
    Even in the show, there is probably 50+ characters covered.
    On average, I'd say that/// 6-7 characters are killed per HBO season, probably 4-5 minor ones and 1-2 major ones.
    Again - this isn't a spoiler... this is simply standard GoT stuff.

    To reveal "somebody on the show may be killed... that isn't dead in the books"...
    Well, that's not really a *Spoiler* when there are SO many characters in play.
    And both GRRM and HBO probably know that comments like that only HELP to increase publicity & hence, later, ratings.

    It's like a thread that reads: "Maple Leafs hint that somebody won't be back next year!"
    I mean...
    Shocked face?!?

    (re: SPOILER TAGS: generically... about not spoiling things, I get it... just saying that it doesn't apply here because of the # of characters in this story)

    Knowing that people will die in GoT, well...

  10. #10
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    Default Re: GOT - George RR Martin says (spoiler?)

    Quote Originally Posted by rumplestiltskin View Post
    Ouch, someone is butthurt, might need to fetch him the donut to sit on for a bit.

    It's OK, go back to your little game of pretending you know what GRRM is all about, whatever floats your boat
    Yes, my butt hurts. Thanks for your concern. So I can borrow your donut? Or was that not an offer? I'm sure you can spare one. Let me know, I understand you can be pretty possessive about those things

    Quick favor to ask. When I go back to my little game of pretending to know what GRRM is all about, can I run some ideas by you first? I'd like to have them certified by his best friend before going public with them.
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  11. #11
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    Default Re: GOT - Martin says characters will die in show that didn't in books

    Quote Originally Posted by Pengwin7 View Post
    I've never tried using those.
    Hmmm... gonna have to try that.

    Anyways - there was no real *SPOILER* here anyways.
    Anybody that really knows about GoT (/asoiaf) knows there are over 500 characters.
    Even in the show, there is probably 50+ characters covered.
    On average, I'd say that/// 6-7 characters are killed per HBO season, probably 4-5 minor ones and 1-2 major ones.
    Again - this isn't a spoiler... this is simply standard GoT stuff.

    To reveal "somebody on the show may be killed... that isn't dead in the books"...
    Well, that's not really a *Spoiler* when there are SO many characters in play.
    And both GRRM and HBO probably know that comments like that only HELP to increase publicity & hence, later, ratings.

    It's like a thread that reads: "Maple Leafs hint that somebody won't be back next year!"
    I mean...
    Shocked face?!?

    (re: SPOILER TAGS: generically... about not spoiling things, I get it... just saying that it doesn't apply here because of the # of characters in this story)

    Knowing that people will die in GoT, well...
    Makes sense. Good analogy. That's why I didn't feel like anything was spoiled by my initial headline. But couldn't hurt to change it anyway. My guess is that maybe he just moves up a death from a later book, and then maybe a secondary character gets offed. Just to keep the growing legion of readers watching
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  12. #12
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    Default Re: GOT - George RR Martin says (spoiler?)

    Quote Originally Posted by rumplestiltskin View Post
    omg this slays me when people pretend they are somehow insiders to the process or have some idea what is going to actuaklly happen because they happen to have a netflix account and they read this one blog by some guy

    if you actually bothered to take the time to learn anything about the author you'd realize that he is a huge troll and he gets just as much pleasure jerking you idiots around as he does writing the book. He's said as much in multiple interviews, if you want to play into that and play make believe then knock yourselves out but its not newsworthy, its just GRRM ****ing with dumb people.
    George?!?! Is it you?!?!?!

    Didn't know you were such a hockey fan, cool to have you in the forums!

    BTW, love your books-- hope you finish the 6th one soon-- and keep up the squashing of all of these idiots telling lies about your material!!


  13. #13
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    Default Re: GOT - George RR Martin says (spoiler?)

    Quote Originally Posted by rtstr View Post
    George?!?! Is it you?!?!?!

    Didn't know you were such a hockey fan, cool to have you in the forums!

    BTW, love your books-- hope you finish the 6th one soon-- and keep up the squashing of all of these idiots telling lies about your material!!

    Valar Murghulis

    And tell us if you will who are you? Which of them are you? An old one it would seem. How long have you been pretending?

  14. #14
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    Default Re: GOT - George RR Martin says (spoiler?)

    Here I thought this was a thread about Game of Thrones. Oh well!

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    Default Re: GOT - George RR Martin says (spoiler?)

    Quote Originally Posted by rumplestiltskin View Post
    Valar Murghulis

    And tell us if you will who are you? Which of them are you? An old one it would seem. How long have you been pretending?
    I am the Great Tyler and am as real as can be

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