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Thread: Rate the last 5 movies you've watched

  1. #31
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    Orphan - dragged on a bit and overhyped 'twist'. Pet peeve - I hate when people say "you have to see this film, great twist at the end". Really? Why tell me there's a twist, now I'm expecting it. And that's not the point of watching the film anyway. /rant 5/10

    I'm Not Scared (Italian) - A young boy accidentally discovers a deep hole in the ground, where another boy is kept prisoner. Interesting storyline but dragged a bit as well. 5/10

    Paranormal Activity 4 - Series has gone downhill. Liked the first two, the third not so much but thought I'd give it one last shot. Bad idea. Now the story is just dragging on and no longer has that originality. 3/10

    Cujo - watched half of it this morning and had seen it before. Remember thinking it didn't do the book justice (though many SK films don't). But still some suspense. 6/10

    REC (Spain) - brilliant, fast paced, in your face horror. One of my all-time favourite horror. 10/10
    Last edited by horrorfan; December 6, 2012 at 12:13 PM.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pengwin7 View Post
    4/5 Stars: Inglorious Bastards
    Absolutely love this film. One of my all-time favourite films.

  3. #33
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    Skyfall-6/10- The action sequences were great but it was missing everything I want in a Bond film. Girls, Gadgets, Guns and fast cars were not plentiful enough for my liking. I actually think I would have enjoyed it a lot more if it was just a spy movie not associated with Bond.
    Red Dawn- 5/10- I haven't seen the original it's actually on my to watch list. Not having seen the original I thought the plot and storyline was pretty lame. That being said the action was pretty sweet so just another "stuff blows up but no plot" movie.
    Promethues- 2/10- I have Alien sci-fi movies. Got stuck watching it and it was nothing special.
    Hot Fuzz- 8.5/10- HILARIOUS! Saw it last week and it was awesome. Cool action, Good plot, witty dialouge and even some twists which is rare for a spoof like film.
    Dark Knight Rises 8.5/10- Saw it on opening night in a marathon of the trilogy. It was my least favorite of the 3 (ranked: Dark Knight, Batman Begins, Dark Knight Rises) but still loved it. The action is great, the story still solid and the villians are more than "I want to blow up the world". I thought it was a little long and didn't like how the last battle between Batman and Bane was resolved, other than that pretty freaking awesome.
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  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan View Post
    Red Dawn- 5/10- I haven't seen the original it's actually on my to watch list. Not having seen the original I thought the plot and storyline was pretty lame. That being said the action was pretty sweet so just another "stuff blows up but no plot" movie.
    You have to see the original - it's a classic (to me, anyway). Don't have any plans to watch the new one - wouldn't be the same.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by horrorfan View Post
    REC (Spain) - brilliant, fast paced, in your face horror. One of my all-time favourite horror. 10/10
    Did you bother viewing the U.S. version, Quarantine? Just wondering how it compares, however, I'm sure I could hazard a guess.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bomm Bastic View Post
    Did you bother viewing the U.S. version, Quarantine? Just wondering how it compares, however, I'm sure I could hazard a guess.
    No, I haven't seen it, nor do I plan on it. I'm not sure how much is the same or changed but I'm sure I'd be disappointed.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wrong Marine View Post
    Elf - 4/5 - Even better when your kid is signing "I'm in a store, and I'm SIGNING!!!"

    Wreck it Ralph - 3/5 - Not a bad kids movie, some good parts for the parents. Not a classic but pretty good

    The Departed 6/5 - Loved it - but love Scorsese, It's no Goodfellas, but it'll do

    A Shot in the Dark 4/5 - Classic - lots of great lines

    The Five-Year Engagement - 0/5 - One of the worst movies I have ever seen. Felt like it was on forever. When I checked to see how long was left, there was over an hour. Gave up. Wife watched the rest the next day and validated it's awfulness
    I agree with your Departed rating. Without exagerration, this is the best movie I've ever seen. I like the part when Jack Nicholson says to the priests at the restaurant, "Enjoy your clams c$*ksuckers."
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  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaborlick View Post
    1. Skyfall - Saw it twice, once with friends, once on a date. Thought is was great the first time, even better the second time. Definitely will buy it when it comes out. 8/10

    2. The Town - I am watching Heist movies all week at home. Besides the Ben Affleck emotional scenes, I like this movie. 7.5/10

    3. The Italian Job - Great film, love Ms Theron. 8/10

    4. Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels - Watched it last night, haven't seen it since the 90's. I enjoyed it, but it was not as great as I remember. 6/10

    5. Rise of the Guardians - I was in GA and saw a couple of kids movies with my neice and nephew so you guys get a bonus answer from me. This one was pretty decent, a lot better than I thought it would be. Loved that Santa had naughty and nice forearm tattoos. The Easter Bunny was hilarious too. 7/10

    6. Wreck it Ralph - I love video games and it was a well made movie. Decent story and the characters were pretty funny. Love how they incorporated classic video game characers. Saw it in a sold out movie theater, that was kind of annoying, kids were yelling out when they saw video game characters they knew. lame. I recommended it though, 8/10

    Since I am watching Heist movies this week, I have a few more on the docket.

    Ocean's 11 (might watch 12 and 13 as well)

    This concludes our broadcast day.
    You'll love Snatch. Ritchie steps it up big time from Lock Stock. Some wicked one-liners in there.
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  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaborlick View Post
    Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels - Watched it last night, haven't seen it since the 90's. I enjoyed it, but it was not as great as I remember. 6/10

    Yeah... true.
    I would've given this a 9/10 when I first saw it.

    Oddly, some movies lose value with time.
    Back when it came out, there wasn't a lot of British films making their way to American audiences. So it was sort of a cult-hit (like Trainspotting). It was also one of those movies where all the characters come together into one final crazy ending (along the lines of where Pulp Fiction started taking gangster/robbery/police movies). That style is done with regularity these days when there are three or four different "groups" of characters. So yeah... it's lost it's luster.

    As for Snatch, I watched that one after LockStock and didn't find it to be anywhere near as good a film.

    Departed was a terrific movie. I agree.

    It's actually pretty impressive, because by 2006 it feels like all the mob-infiltrate/police-infiltrate types of films (ex. Point Break, Heat) seem like they had been covered. I remember being impressed that this film was able to use so many common plotlines/ideas. It's like they took the best from every mob/police movie of the previous 15 years and said "We know this has all been done, but we are going to do all the parts to it, and do it perfect with a cast like you've never seen."

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by jman View Post
    You'll love Snatch.
    Thought you were going a different direction with this...
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  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaborlick View Post
    I couldn't remember why I downloaded this movie. I started watching it a while back but wasn;'t paying it any attention. Same director as Drive. I will have to revisit. I absolutely loved Drive.
    Also same director as Bronson, another one worth watching.

  12. #42
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    Watched "Valhalla Rising" last night and I'd describe it as a truly unique cinematic experience. Had no idea what would happen next or where the story was going, and unlike a lot of people, I love that. If a film can truly pull that off and have my thinking at every turn and wondering what it all means, than I'm left very satisfied. The cinematography creates a truly unique atmosphere and each word spoken seems to have been chosen carefully. The dark music in the background also lends a large part to the general theme of the movie.

    I'd definitely give it an 8.5 out of 10, and I'll watch it again for sure someday.

    The director, Nicolas Winding Refn, did Drive and Bronson, both films I've seen and really loved. The only other movies hes done is the "Pusher" trilogy, have any of you checked it out yet? Hes got a new one coming out with Ryan Gosling called "Only God Forgives".
    Last edited by The Hockey Hitman; December 7, 2012 at 3:15 PM.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Hockey Hitman View Post

    The director, Nicolas Winding Refn, did Drive and Bronson, both films I've seen and really loved. The only other movies hes done is the "Pusher" trilogy, have any of you checked it out yet? Hes got a new one coming out with Ryan Gosling called "Only God Forgives".
    I've seen the first Pusher and thought it was pretty good - completely different type of film than Valhalla - Mads Mikkelsen is in that one too, though in a supporting role.

    Glad you like Valhalla Rising
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  14. #44
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    all had the same damn storyline, i'm sick and tired of these producers using the same damn plots. they think they're being creative by switching it up by making the main character a mailman, pizza delivery guy, plumber, boss, coach etc, but the guy always gets the girl in the end...

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by praba View Post
    all had the same damn storyline, i'm sick and tired of these producers using the same damn plots. they think they're being creative by switching it up by making the main character a mailman, pizza delivery guy, plumber, boss, coach etc, but the guy always gets the girl in the end...
    I hear you man, but I like the plots where the girl gets the girl in the end...
    I can't promise I'll try but I'll try to try.

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