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Thread: All hail the King! (Stephen that is)

  1. #16
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    The Mist was also a good adaptation. The ending was actually more horrific than the book (IMO - haven't seen the DVD version, I think there's an alternate ending, maybe they do the one in the novella).

    I would write more, but it would take too long, I am too tired - I will get around to this
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  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by PrairieDog View Post
    WARNING! ***Possible Dark Tower spoilers!!!***


    I don't have time right now, but The Dark Tower books are just spellbinding, really.

    The gunfights he describes, the way he does it, its waaaay more intense that ANY movie could ever be.

    For example, I think it was in The Drawing Of The Three (DT2) where there is an entire chapter that is 4 words long, right in the middle of an epic battle:

    "It wasn't a misfire."

    Stuff like that, King has the ability to build you up for 300 pages, then turn you on your head with one very short sentence that just makes you know you are going to be reading into the wee hours.

    Another one, from The Wolves Of The Calla, like 300 pages in, so much build up and then one line:

    "The Wolves were coming."

    The effect in context is pretty intense.
    I remember both those phrases. Totally agree how he can use a simple phrase to split up a scene after a long build up. Sometimes you have to keep reading of course, other times I know if I don't have time I purposely stop there (or soon after) because I know I won't be able to stop later on.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bomm Bastic View Post
    C' one but me????

    [sigh]....I'll be over here, in the 'loser' corner.
    Hey loser,

    I don't think I've watched the entire Lawnmower Man film, but had seen bits of it soon after it came out and thought it was awful. Then, only a few short years ago I read the short story, and thought WTF this has nothing to do with it!

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoWayOut View Post
    I do agree with the majority on the Dark Tower series. Absolutely riveted the whole way through. At the time when I first finished reading the series, I felt a bit hacked off that he finished it the way he did, Roland having to set off on his quest for the Dark Tower all over again. I guess after all that had come before and all that the characters endured I was expecting it to all culminate in some great revelation for Roland. Now I've come to believe that it was a fitting end to the story.

    I've read it twice (the second time I just finished about a month ago), and both times I felt that it was a perfect ending. Ka is a wheel, so it just seem to fit to me. I hope they don't spoil the film with a different ending though. However, the 'ending' wouldn't change how amazing was the journey.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rylant View Post
    I haven't read anything really recent from him except The Darktower. Besides that, the most recent thing of his I have read is proabbly Insomnia, although I did read almost everything before that and certainly all of his classics.

    I have to read Insomnia again, especially after reading the Dark Tower, as it would probably make more sense given the connections between the two.

    That goes with a lot of his books - many of them link to the Dark Tower story, whether by the characters/settings or both. There used to be a website where someone had created a flowchart of all his books connecting to the Dark Tower - it was quite impressive. However, the last time I checked earlier this year, unfortunately the site no longer existed.

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by InForAPenny View Post
    Definitely my favourite book of his. Whenever things seem to go pear-shaped I like to bust out the following: "I think, I wish were insane". It only makes sense if you've read it and no one understands it when I use it (except my brother).
    I can't remember when Garraty(?) said that but it does ring a bell, and can understand the context just by knowing the story. One of my favourites for sure.

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by PrairieDog View Post
    The Mist was also a good adaptation. The ending was actually more horrific than the book (IMO - haven't seen the DVD version, I think there's an alternate ending, maybe they do the one in the novella).

    I would write more, but it would take too long, I am too tired - I will get around to this

    I hate the ending in the film - it was way too 'Hollywood' for my liking, regardless of how horrific. Of course they had to change the ending for the film because many people would have been annoyed, but the unknown works better in my opinion.

    Overall I thought they kept the main story fairly close to the novella, however I found they 'dumbed' it down a bit, by giving away too much.

  8. #23
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    Oh Needful Things was another good read. Movie wasn't to bad either - except the very end. Don't know what it is, but many of movie adaptations' endings always seem so.....I dunno....schmaltzy.

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    My favourite Stephen King cameo:

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bomm Bastic View Post
    Oh Needful Things was another good read. Movie wasn't to bad either - except the very end. Don't know what it is, but many of movie adaptations' endings always seem so.....I dunno....schmaltzy.
    The biggest reason Needul Things worked (for me) was Ed Harris - one of the most under rated actors out there. He was an amazing Sheriff Pangborn. I really like Tom Skerritt as Pangborn in The Dead Zone as well (although that movie was loaded with star power).
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  11. #26
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    I don't think I've seen Needful Things, or maybe only bits but I cannot remember it. I do remember enjoying the book, but it's been awhile though. Aside from the end of the film (according to Bomm), did they keep it close to the book?

  12. #27
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    Great thread.

    To me, there is no greater writer than the King himself. He is brilliant, electrifying and just plain baffling. How someone can write such brilliant stories, such rich characters time and time again is simply amazing.

    IT is my favourite book. The seven kids/adults in the book are so well written and developed that you feel like you know them.

    The Castle Rock books are incredible and it's fun to see the progression of characters. Like in Needful Things, Alan Pangburn is the Sheriff who replaced Sheriff Bannerman, and why did he replace him? Because Bannerman got eaten by Cujo.

    I love King. Love almost every story he's ever written.
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    Quote Originally Posted by horrorfan View Post
    I don't think I've seen Needful Things, or maybe only bits but I cannot remember it. I do remember enjoying the book, but it's been awhile though. Aside from the end of the film (according to Bomm), did they keep it close to the book?
    Yes actually it really did - the book was way too long to include everything (obviously) but what they did use was pretty close to the book.

    Definitely one of the better King movie adaptations IMO. But the best for me is still The Dead Zone - one of my favourite King books, and the movie was excellent. Christopher Walken - that's all I need to say. Chris freakin' Walken (my all-time favourite actor).
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  14. #29
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    I guess I'm the only one except mcgoo who wasn't enchanted with The Dark Tower. I think using Roland in this big over-blown epic was a mistake. The Gunslinger worked so well because there was all this mystery surrounding Roland, Walter, and Jake. The first two were good and then it went into a steep decline, IMO.

    I think Roland would have been better used in short stories such as The Little Sisters of Eluria so that that element of mystery could be kept intact.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Instant Karma View Post
    I guess I'm the only one except mcgoo who wasn't enchanted with The Dark Tower. I think using Roland in this big over-blown epic was a mistake. The Gunslinger worked so well because there was all this mystery surrounding Roland, Walter, and Jake. The first two were good and then it went into a steep decline, IMO.

    I think Roland would have been better used in short stories such as The Little Sisters of Eluria so that that element of mystery could be kept intact.
    It's interesting that as King fans we could be so opposed in our opinions of The Dark Tower.

    I am definitely going to read them again at some point, maybe it will be different...
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