Hey Guys, thought it would be fun to have a friendly pool for those interested... i'm using the stats from my usual pools which have a lot of stats.


Ideally 14, 16 is doable but not advisable (if there is enough interested).

Feel free to join, I set draft to Sunday!

League Settings below...
Setting Value
League ID#: 53117
League Name: Sheva - Hockey Edition
Password: goleafsgo
Draft Type: Live Standard Draft
Draft Time: Sun Jan 13 5:00pm EST [ Add to My Calendar ]
Max Teams: 16
Live Draft Pick Time: 1 Minute
Scoring Type: Head-to-Head
Max Acquisitions for Entire Season: 35
Max Trades for Entire Season No maximum
Trade Reject Time: 2
Trade End Date: March 21, 2013
Allow Draft Pick Trades: No
Waiver Time: 2 days
Waiver Type: Continual rolling list
Waiver Mode: Standard
Can't Cut List Provider: None
Trade Review: League Votes
Post Draft Players: Free Agents
Max Acquisitions per Week: No maximum
Min Goalie Appearances: 3
Weekly Deadline: Daily - Tomorrow
Start Scoring on: Week 14
Playoffs: Week 22, 23 and 24 (8 teams) Note: Week 24 runs 7 days from Apr 1 to Apr 7
Playoff Reseeding: Yes
Lock Eliminated Teams: No
Divisions: Yes (4 divisions)
Playoff Seeding Options: Division winners awarded top playoff seeds
Make League Publicly Viewable: No

Roster Positions: C, C, LW, LW, RW, RW, F, D, D, D, Util, G, G, BN, BN, BN, BN, IR, IR

Forwards/Defensemen Stat Categories: Goals (G), Assists (A), Plus/Minus (+/-), Penalty Minutes (PIM), Powerplay Points (PPP), Shorthanded Points (SHP), Game-Winning Goals (GWG), Shots on Goal (SOG), Faceoffs Won (FW), Hits (HIT)

Goaltenders Stat Categories: Wins (W), Goals Against Average (GAA), Saves (SV), Save Percentage (SV%), Shutouts (SHO)